Sunday, March 18, 2007

Values: Neone has one ?

Long time since i blogged last...all this MBA interview crap kept me tied up but turned out that twas a good exercise ..especially the SPjain interview which made me do some extra thinking.

So here is the story: The question was: What do you value the most. (SP Jain actually gives you many such questions you would never think about otherwise) I really could not find anything and I tried to answer it the opposite way, tried to answer - What do I detest the most and the answer was : Hypocrisy. There have been quite a few incidences when I hated the people for trying to prove what they knew was not correct. One was at office when a junior tried convincing me that hes been trying hard to learn everything , when everybody knew he never put any effort. The second and the latest was in personal life and I never had the slightest idea , ppl so close to you could do something so stupid like this.

Neway, so I went on to write the answer to the original question.- What do I value the most . Its strength of convictions. Sounds like an appealing answer , at least to an interviewer. But then is that really true. If I value my convictions the most, why do I smile while talking to my boss when I actually want to yell at him. Why am I good with all the ppl I bitch about (my gang of girls might be able to throw more light on this ;)) Does that really mean I am valueless. I would not like to believe it...Theres got to be something I truly value...Please help me find a justification for the above actions of mine coz I do not want to die valueless..

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